Monday, July 28, 2008

The usual suspects

In July 2008 my husband and I bit the bullet and purchased our dream house in disquise. Don't get me wrong, it's a gorgeous house, it just REALLY needs a hug and a kiss. Let's start with the usual suspects:

My husband and I will do most of the work ourselves:

Our Daughter will likely skip out on most of the work:

Our dogs, Katie and Bakari will likely make more work.



My Mom, who lives ONLY a few miles away will likely be a frequent helper. She's excited about our new house too. Maybe a bit TOO excited:

And finally, my dad. He is likely to be the one showing us how to do a lot of this, and fixing our "oop's":

This list is subject to change, pending the suckers offering to help. we hope you'll join us in this process. We need all the help, advice and love we can get!

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